3.7. Constraints and Lagrange Multiplier Method

Constraints are generally implemented using the Lagrange Multiplier Method (See Belytschko([349])). This formulation has been implemented in MPC184 as described in the Element Reference. In this method, the internal energy term given by Equation 3–90 is augmented by a set of constraints, imposed by the use of Lagrange multipliers and integrated over the volume leading to an augmented form of the virtual work equation:



W' = augmented potential



is the set of constraints to be imposed.

The variation of the augmented potential is zero provided (and, hence ) and, simultaneously:


The equation for augmented potential (Equation 3–119) is a system of ntot equations, where:



ndof = number of degrees of freedom in the model
nc = number of Lagrange multipliers

The solution vector consists of the displacement degrees of freedom and the Lagrange multipliers.

The stiffness matrix is of the form:



= increments in displacements and Lagrange multiplier, respectively.

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