A Commands

Table of Contents

A - Defines an area by connecting keypoints.
AADD - Adds separate areas to create a single area.
AATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed areas.
ABEXTRACT - Extracts the alpha-beta damping multipliers for Rayleigh damping.
*ABBR - Defines an abbreviation.
ABBRES - Reads abbreviations from a coded file.
ABBSAV - Writes the current abbreviation set to a coded file.
ABS - Forms the absolute value of a variable.
ACCAT - Concatenates multiple areas in preparation for mapped meshing.
ACCOPTION - Specifies GPU accelerator capability options.
ACEL - Specifies the linear acceleration of the global Cartesian reference frame for the analysis.
ACLEAR - Deletes nodes and area elements associated with selected areas.
ADAMS - Performs solutions and writes flexible body information to a modal neutral file (Jobname.MNF) for use in an ADAMS analysis.
ADD - Adds (sums) variables.
ADDAM - Specifies the acceleration spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures.
ADELE - Deletes unmeshed areas.
ADGL - Lists keypoints of an area that lie on a parametric degeneracy.
ADRAG - Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path.
AEROCOEFF - Computes the aero-damping and stiffness coefficients and writes them to an APDL array.
AESIZE - Specifies the element size to be meshed onto areas.
AFILLT - Generates a fillet at the intersection of two areas.
AFLIST - Lists the current data in the database.
AFSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the surface of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.
*AFUN - Specifies units for angular functions in parameter expressions.
AGEN - Generates additional areas from a pattern of areas.
AGLUE - Generates new areas by "gluing" areas.
AINA - Finds the intersection of areas.
AINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of areas.
AINV - Finds the intersection of an area with a volume.
AL - Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines.
ALIST - Lists the defined areas.
ALLSEL - Selects all entities with a single command.
ALPHAD - Defines the mass matrix multiplier for damping.
AMAP - Generates a 2-D mapped mesh based on specified area corners.
AMESH - Generates nodes and area elements within areas.
/AN3D - Specifies 3-D annotation functions
ANCNTR - Produces an animated sequence of a contoured deformed shape.
ANCUT - Produces an animated sequence of Q-slices.
ANCYC - Applies a traveling wave animation to graphics data in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
ANDATA - Displays animated graphics data for nonlinear problems.
ANDSCL - Produces an animated sequence of a deformed shape.
ANDYNA - Produces an animated sequence of contour values through substeps.
/ANFILE - Saves or resumes an animation sequence to or from a file.
ANFLOW - Produces an animated sequence of particle flow in a flowing fluid or a charged particle traveling in an electric or magnetic field.
/ANGLE - Rotates the display about an axis.
ANHARM - Produces an animated sequence of time-harmonic results or complex mode shapes.
ANIM - Displays animated graphics data for linear problems.
ANISOS - Produces an animated sequence of an isosurface.
ANMODE - Produces an animated sequence of a mode shape.
ANMRES - Performs animation of results over multiple results files in an explicit dynamic structural analysis or fluid flow analysis with remeshing.
/ANNOT - Activates graphics for annotating displays (GUI).
ANORM - Reorients area normals.
ANPRES - Produces an animated sequence of the time-harmonic pressure variation of an engine-order excitation in a cyclic harmonic analysis.
ANSOL - Specifies averaged nodal data to be stored from the results file in the solution coordinate system.
ANSTOAQWA - Creates an AQWA-LINE input file from the current Mechanical APDL model.
ANSTOASAS - Creates an ASAS input file from the current ANSYS model.
ANTIME - Generates a sequential contour animation over a range of time.
ANTYPE - Specifies the analysis type and restart status.
/ANUM - Specifies the annotation number, type, and hot spot (GUI).
AOFFST - Generates an area, offset from a given area.
AOVLAP - Overlaps areas.
APLOT - Displays the selected areas.
APORT - Specifies input data for plane wave and acoustic duct ports.
APPEND - Reads data from the results file and appends it to the database.
APTN - Partitions areas.
ARCLEN - Activates the arc-length method.
ARCTRM - Controls termination of the solution when the arc-length method is used.
AREAS - Specifies "Areas" as the subsequent status topic.
AREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified areas.
AREMESH - Generates an area in which to create a new mesh for rezoning.
AREVERSE - Reverses the normal of an area, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status.
AROTAT - Generates cylindrical areas by rotating a line pattern about an axis.
ARSCALE - Generates a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas.
ARSYM - Generates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection.
ASBA - Subtracts areas from areas.
ASBL - Subtracts lines from areas.
ASBV - Subtracts volumes from areas.
ASBW - Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from areas (divides areas).
ASCRES - Specifies the output type for an acoustic scattering analysis.
ASEL - Selects a subset of areas.
ASIFILE - Writes or reads one-way acoustic-structural coupling data.
*ASK - Prompts the user to input a parameter value.
ASKIN - Generates an area by "skinning" a surface through guiding lines.
ASLL - Selects those areas containing the selected lines.
ASLV - Selects those areas contained in the selected volumes.
ASOL - Specifies the acoustic solver with scattered field formulation.
/ASSIGN - Reassigns a file name to an ANSYS file identifier.
ASUB - Generates an area using the shape of an existing area.
ASUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected areas.
ATAN - Forms the arctangent of a complex variable.
ATRAN - Transfers a pattern of areas to another coordinate system.
ATYPE - Specifies "Analysis types" as the subsequent status topic.
/AUTO - Resets the focus and distance specifications to "automatically calculated."
AUTOTS - Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping.
/AUX2 - Enters the binary file dumping processor.
/AUX3 - Enters the results file editing processor.
/AUX12 - Enters the radiation processor.
/AUX15 - Enters the IGES file transfer processor.
AVPRIN - Specifies how principal and vector sums are to be calculated.
AVRES - Specifies how results data will be averaged when PowerGraphics is enabled.
AWAVE - Specifies input data for an acoustic incident wave.
/AXLAB - Labels the X and Y axes on graph displays.
*AXPY - Performs the matrix operation M2= v*M1 + w*M2.

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.