ESOL, NVAR, ELEM, NODE, Item, Comp, Name
Specifies element data to be stored from the results file.

Compatible Products: – | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | Ent PP | Ent Solver | DYNA


Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR]). Overwrites any existing results for this variable.


Element for which data are to be stored. If ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI).


Node number on this element for which data are to be stored. If blank, store the average element value (except for FMAG values, which are summed instead of averaged). If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI).


Label identifying the item. General item labels are shown in Table 124: ESOL - General Item and Component Labels. Some items also require a component label.


Component of the item (if required). General component labels are shown in Table 124: ESOL - General Item and Component Labels below. If Comp is a sequence number (n), the NODE field is ignored.


32-character name for identifying the item on the printout and displays. Defaults to a label formed by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.


See Table 124: ESOL - General Item and Component Labels for a list of valid item and component labels for element (except line element) results.

ESOL defines element results data to be stored from a results file (FILE). Not all items are valid for all elements. To see the available items for a given element, refer to the input and output summary tables in the documentation for that element.

Two methods of data access are available via the ESOL command. You can access some data by using a generic label (component name method), while others require a label and number (sequence number method).

Use the component name method to access general element data (that is, element data generally available to most element types or groups of element types).

The sequence number method is required for data that is not averaged (such as pressures at nodes and temperatures at integration points), or data that is not easily described generically (such as all derived data for structural line elements and contact elements, all derived data for thermal line elements, and layer data for layered elements).

Element results are in the element coordinate system, except for layered elements where results are in the layer coordinate system. Element forces and moments are in the nodal coordinate system. Results are obtainable for an element at a specified node. Further location specifications can be made for some elements via SHELL, LAYERP26, and FORCE.

Table 124:  ESOL - General Item and Component Labels

Component Name Method
SX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent stress.
1, 2, 3Principal stress.
INTStress intensity.
EQVEquivalent stress.
EPELX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent elastic strain.
1, 2, 3Principal elastic strain.
INTElastic strain intensity.
EQVElastic equivalent strain.
EPTHX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent thermal strain.
1, 2, 3Principal thermal strain.
INTThermal strain intensity.
EQVThermal equivalent strain.
EPPLX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent plastic strain.
1, 2, 3Principal plastic strain.
INTPlastic strain intensity.
EQVPlastic equivalent strain.
EPCRX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent creep strain.
1,2,3Principal creep strain.
INTCreep strain intensity.
EQVCreep equivalent strain.
EPDIX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent diffusion strain.
1, 2, 3Principal diffusion strain.
INTDiffusion strain intensity.
EQVDiffusion equivalent strain.
NLSEPLEquivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).
SRATStress state ratio.
HPRESHydrostatic pressure.
EPEQAccumulated equivalent plastic strain.
CREQAccumulated equivalent creep strain.
PSVPlastic state variable.
PLWKPlastic work/volume.
SENDELASTICElastic strain energy density.
PLASTICPlastic strain energy density.
CREEPCreep strain energy density.
DAMAGEDamage strain energy density
VDAMViscoelastic dissipation energy density.
VREGVisco-regularization strain energy density.
ENTOTotal strain energy density.
CDMDMGDamage variable.
LMMaximum previous strain energy for virgin material.
GKSXGasket component stress (also gasket pressure).
GKDXGasket component total closure.
GKDIXGasket component total inelastic closure.
GKTHXGasket component thermal closure.
SSX, XY, XZInterface traction (stress).
SDX,XY,XZInterface separation.
CONTSTAT1Contact status.
PENEContact penetration.
PRESContact pressure.
SFRICContact friction stress.
STOTContact total stress (pressure plus friction).
SLIDEContact sliding distance.
GAPContact gap distance.
FLUXTotal heat flux at contact surface.
CNOSTotal number of contact status changes during substep.
FPRSFluid penetration pressure.
TGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent thermal gradient or vector sum.
TFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent thermal flux or vector sum.
PGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent pressure gradient or vector sum.
EFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electric field or vector sum.
DX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electric flux density or vector sum.
HX, Y, Z, SUMComponent magnetic field intensity or vector sum.
BX, Y, Z, SUMComponent magnetic flux density or vector sum.
CGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent concentration gradient or vector sum.
DFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent diffusion flux density or vector sum.
FMAGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electromagnetic forces or vector sum.
FX, Y, ZComponent structural force.
MX, Y, ZComponent structural moment.
HEAT[2] Heat flow.
FLOW Fluid flow.
AMPS Current flow.
FLUX Magnetic flux.
CSGX, Y, ZComponent magnetic current segment.
RATE Diffusion flow rate.
SENE "Stiffness" energy.
STEN Elemental energy dissipation due to stabilization.
KENE Kinetic energy.
AENE Artificial energy due to hourglass control/drill stiffness or due to contact stabilization.
JHEAT Element Joule heat generation.
JCX, Y, Z, SUMConduction current density for elements that support conduction current calculation. Components (X, Y, Z) and vector sum (SUM).
JSX, Y, ZSource current density for low-frequency magnetic analyses. Total current density (sum of conduction and displacement current densities) in low-frequency electric analyses. Components (X, Y, Z).
JTX, Y, Z, SUMTotal measurable current density in low-frequency electromagnetic analyses. (Conduction current density in a low-frequency electric analysis.) Components (X, Y, Z) and vector sum (SUM).
MRE Magnetics Reynolds number.
VOLU Volume of volume element.
BFETEMPBody temperatures (calculated from applied temperatures) as used in solution (area and volume elements only).
FICTTEMPFictive temperature.
PMSVVRAT, PPRE, DSAT, RPERVoid volume ratio, pore pressure, degree of saturation, and relative permeability for coupled pore-pressure CPT elements.
YSIDXTENS,SHEAYield surface activity status for Mohr-Coloumb, soil, concrete, and joint rock material models: 1 = yielded, 0 = not yielded.
FPIDXTF01,SF01, TF02,SF02, TF03,SF03, TF04,SF04Failure plane surface activity status for concrete and joint rock material models: 1 = yielded, 0 = not yielded. Tension and shear failure status are available for all four sets of failure planes.
NSX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZNominal strain for hyperelastic material, reported in the current configuration (unaffected by RSYS).
MPLADMAC, DMAXMicroplane damage, macroscopic and maximum values.
Sequence Number Method
SMISCsnumSummable items.
NMISCsnumNonsummable items.
LSsnumLine element elastic stresses.
LEPELsnumLine element strains.
LEPTHsnumLine element thermal strains.
LEPPLsnumLine element plastic strains.
LEPCRsnumLine element creep strains.
LBFEsnumLine element temperatures.

  1. For more information about the meaning of contact status and its possible values, see Reviewing Results in POST1 in the Mechanical APDL Contact Technology Guide.

  2. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use labels HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP instead of HEAT.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.