L Commands

Table of Contents

L - Defines a line between two keypoints.
L2ANG - Generates a line at an angle with two existing lines.
L2TAN - Generates a line tangent to two lines.
LANBOPTION - Specifies Block Lanczos eigensolver options.
LANG - Generates a straight line at an angle with a line.
LARC - Defines a circular arc.
/LARC - Creates annotation arcs (GUI).
LAREA - Generates the shortest line between two keypoints on an area.
LARGE - Finds the largest (the envelope) of three variables.
LATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed lines.
LAYER - Specifies the element layer for which data are to be processed.
LAYERP26 - Specifies the element layer for which data are to be stored.
LAYLIST - Lists real constants material properties for layered elements.
LAYPLOT - Displays the layer stacking sequence for layered elements.
LCABS - Specifies absolute values for load case operations.
LCASE - Reads a load case into the database.
LCCALC - Specifies "Load case settings" as the subsequent status topic.
LCCAT - Concatenates multiple lines into one line for mapped meshing.
LCDEF - Creates a load case from a set of results on a results file.
LCFACT - Defines scale factors for load case operations.
LCFILE - Creates a load case from an existing load case file.
LCLEAR - Deletes nodes and line elements associated with selected lines.
LCOMB - Combines adjacent lines into one line.
LCOPER - Performs load case operations.
LCSEL - Selects a subset of load cases.
LCSL - Divides intersecting lines at their point(s) of intersection.
LCSUM - Specifies whether to process non-summable items in load case operations.
LCWRITE - Creates a load case by writing results to a load case file.
LCZERO - Zeroes the results portion of the database.
LDELE - Deletes unmeshed lines.
LDIV - Divides a single line into two or more lines.
LDRAG - Generates lines by sweeping a keypoint pattern along path.
LDREAD - Reads results from the results file and applies them as loads.
LESIZE - Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.
LEXTND - Extends a line at one end by using its slope.
LFILLT - Generates a fillet line between two intersecting lines.
LFSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.
LGEN - Generates additional lines from a pattern of lines.
LGLUE - Generates new lines by "gluing" lines.
LGWRITE - Writes the database command log to a file.
/LIGHT - Specifies the light direction for the display window.
LINA - Finds the intersection of a line with an area.
LINE - Specifies "Lines" as the subsequent status topic.
/LINE - Creates annotation lines (GUI).
LINES - Specifies the length of a printed page.
LINL - Finds the common intersection of lines.
LINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of lines.
LINV - Finds the intersection of a line with a volume.
LIST - Lists out the sets in the results file.
*LIST - Displays the contents of an external, coded file.
LLIST - Lists the defined lines.
LMESH - Generates nodes and line elements along lines.
LNSRCH - Activates a line search to be used with Newton-Raphson.
LOCAL - Defines a local coordinate system by a location and orientation.
LOVLAP - Overlaps lines.
LPLOT - Displays the selected lines.
LPTN - Partitions lines.
LREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified lines.
LREVERSE - Reverses the normal of a line, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status.
LROTAT - Generates circular lines by rotating a keypoint pattern about an axis.
LSBA - Subtracts areas from lines.
*LSBAC - Performs the solve (forward/backward substitution) of a factorized linear system.
LSBL - Subtracts lines from lines.
LSBV - Subtracts volumes from lines.
LSBW - Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from lines (divides lines).
LSCLEAR - Clears loads and load step options from the database.
LSDELE - Deletes load step files.
*LSDUMP - Dumps a linear solver engine to a binary File.
LSEL - Selects a subset of lines.
*LSENGINE - Creates a linear solver engine.
*LSFACTOR - Performs the numerical factorization of a linear solver system.
LSLA - Selects those lines contained in the selected areas.
LSLK - Selects those lines containing the selected keypoints.
LSOPER - Specifies "Load step operations" as the subsequent status topic.
/LSPEC - Specifies annotation line attributes (GUI).
LSREAD - Reads load and load step option data into the database.
*LSRESTORE - Restores a linear solver engine from a binary file.
LSSCALE - Generates a scaled set of lines from a pattern of lines.
LSSOLVE - Reads and solves multiple load steps.
LSTR - Defines a straight line irrespective of the active coordinate system.
LSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected lines.
LSWRITE - Writes load and load step option data to a file.
/LSYMBOL - Creates annotation symbols (GUI).
LSYMM - Generates lines from a line pattern by symmetry reflection.
LTAN - Generates a line at the end of, and tangent to, an existing line.
LTRAN - Transfers a pattern of lines to another coordinate system.
LUMPM - Specifies a lumped mass matrix formulation.
LVSCALE - Scales the load vector for mode-superposition analyses.
LWPLAN - Defines the working plane normal to a location on a line.

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.