HPGL, Kywrd, Opt1, Opt2
Specifies various HP options.

Compatible Products: – | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | Ent PP | Ent Solver | DYNA

If Kywrd = MODEL, command format is HPGL,MODEL,Pmod.


Valid plotter model: 7475A (default), 7550A, 7580B, 7585B, 7586B, COLORPRO, DRAFTPRO, or DRAFTMASTER.

If Kywrd = PAPER, command format is HPGL,PAPER,Size,Orien.


Valid paper size: A (default), B, C, D, E, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, CARCH, DARCH, or EARCH.


Orientation: HORIZONTAL (default) or VERTICAL.

If Kywrd = COLOR, command format is HPGL,COLOR,KEY.


Pen choice:



Single pen



Multiple pens

If Kywrd = DIRECT, command format is HPGL,DIRECT,Port.

Used to direct plotter commands to a port. Use HPGL,FILE to redirect output from a port back to a file. This option for Kywrd is valid in the DISPLAY program only.


Port name for direct connection.


This command is available in both the ANSYS and DISPLAY programs. It is valid for Hewlett Packard Graphics Language (HPGL) format files selected in the ANSYS program with /SHOW,HPGL (or HPGL2), or with /SHOWDISP,HPGL (or HPGL2) in the DISPLAY program.

An output file is generated for each plot. The ANSYS file is named JobnameNN.HPGL. In the DISPLAY program, this file is named HPGLnn. This file remains open for a subsequent /NOERASE plot, and will be incomplete until the program is closed (/EXIT), or until the next file is opened by the next /ERASE plot request.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Redirect Plots>To HPGL File
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Redirect Plots>To HPGL2 File

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.