Reads explicit dynamics output into variables for time-history postprocessing.

Compatible Products: – | – | – | – | – | – | DYNA


Starting reference number assigned to the first variable. Allowed range is 2 (the default) to NV [NUMVAR]. (NV defaults to 30 for an explicit dynamics analysis.)


Label identifying the output file to be read. No default.



Read data from the GLSTAT file.



Read data from the MATSUM file.



Read data from the SPCFORC file.



Read data from the RCFORC file.



Read data from the SLEOUT file.



Read data from the NODOUT file.



Read data from the RBDOUT file.


Number identifying the data set to be read in (defaults to 1). If Label = GLSTAT, NUM is ignored. If Label = MATSUM or RBDOUT, NUM is the PART number [EDPART] for which output is desired. If Label = SPCFORC or NODOUT, NUM is the node number for which output is desired. If Label = SLEOUT or RCFORC, NUM is the number of the contact entity for which output is desired.


Load step range of data to be read in. If STEP1 and STEP2 are blank, all load steps are read in.


EDREAD reads data from the specified ascii output file so that it may be used during postprocessing. After EDREAD, you must issue the STORE command to store the data in time history variables. Once stored, the variables can be viewed as plots of output item versus time.

The number of variables stored depends on the file specified. The following table shows the items in each file and the order in which they are stored. If data items were previously stored in variables NSTART to NSTART+15, they will be overwritten. If more variables are needed, change NV on the NUMVAR command. (Note that hourglass energy will not be available if it was not specified for the model [EDENERGY,1].)

The following items under MATSUM are listed in the MATSUM ASCII file (in the Mat no. field) for each part number at time intervals specified by the EDHTIME command. Use EDREAD,,MATSUM,NUM to specify the part number that corresponds to the mat number in the MATSUM file.

Resultant contact forces and sliding interface energies are available from the RCFORC and SLEOUT files, respectively. The RCFORC file is written for surface based contact types that include target and contact (master and slave) definitions. You should ensure that this file contains valid force results before issuing EDREAD,,RCFORC. Only the resultant contact forces on the master surface are available for time-history postprocessing.

NSTARTTime stepInternal energyX forceX forceSlave energy
NSTART+1Kinetic energyKinetic energyY forceY forceMaster energy
NSTART+2Internal energyX-momentumZ forceZ forceTotal slave energy
NSTART+3Spring and damper energyY-momentumX moment--Total master energy
NSTART+4System damping energyZ-momentumY moment--Total energy
NSTART+5Sliding interface energyX-rigid-body- velocityZ moment----
NSTART+6External workY-rigid-body- velocity------
NSTART+7Eroded kinetic energyZ-rigid-body- velocity------
NSTART+8Eroded internal energyHourglass energy------
NSTART+9Total energy--------
NSTART+10Total energy/initial energy--------
NSTART+11Energy ratio w/o eroded energy--------
NSTART+12Global X velocity--------
NSTART+13Global Y velocity--------
NSTART+14Global Z velocity--------
NSTART+15Hourglass energy--------

Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Read LSDYNA Data>GLSTAT file
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Read LSDYNA Data>MATSUM file
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Read LSDYNA Data>NODOUT file
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Read LSDYNA Data>RBDOUT file
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Read LSDYNA Data>RCFORC file
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Read LSDYNA Data>SLEOUT file
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Read LSDYNA Data>SPCFORC file

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.