
Danubius Hotel Helia ****

Kárpát u. 62-64, 1133

Possible accommodation if needed at the venue.

Invoicing and Payment Details

We register the applications, and thereafter, Diamond Congress Ltd. will dispatch the invoice, according to the regulations, to the applicant (which also serves as confirmation of the application). Upon payment of the due amount in advance, the participant is going to receive the final invoice, which serves as the valid financial receipt for the payment. Meal expenses will be invoiced separately on the final invoice as a provided service. No refund is possible for cancellations submitted on or after 10th April 2024.

Számlázási és fizetési részletek

A jelentkezéseket regisztráljuk, majd a Diamond Congress Kft. a jogszabály szerinti díjbekérő levelet a jelentkező részére elküldi (mely egyben a jelentkezés visszaigazolása is). A fizetendő összeg előre történő fizetése után a résztvevő végszámlát kap, mely a fizetés érvényes pénzügyi bizonylata. Az étkezési költséget a végszámlán külön sorban közvetített szolgáltatásként számlázzuk. A vonatkozó járulékok megfizetése a számla befogadó intézményt, céget terhelik.

Visszafizetés nem lehetséges 2024 április 10-e után.


Filip Deblauwe

Siemens Technical Manager Test EMEA

Dr. Deblauwe holds a Bachelors’ degree from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium as well as Master’s and Doctor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. His work at both universities was in the field of modal analysis. Dr. Brown and Dr. Allemang, two authorities in the field of modal analysis, were his PhD thesis advisors. Dr. Deblauwe is a world-renowned authority on test for over 30 years and has put topics like Modal Analysis, Sound Source Localization, Sound Quality, TPA etc. on the radar at many worldwide automotive companies. Amongst his many accomplishments, he has guided business development in the field of testing at Siemens as well as hold various managerial positions throughout his career.

Zoltan Dombovari

Associate Professor, MM, GPK, BME

Zoltan Dombovari finished his master’s studies in collaboration with the University of Bristol (UK) at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 2006. He was a visiting researcher at the machine tool laboratory Manufacturing Automation Laboratory of the University of British Columbia. He spent two years in Ideko as a research engineer employed by word-leading heavy-duty machine tool manufacturer DanobatGroup. He was teaching in The University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ). He regularly teaches courses like vibrations, modal analysis and machine tool vibrations in Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Terms and conditions of participation

Advance online registration is a condition of participation in the MCTEMA2024 course. During the online registration you should accept the terms and conditions of participation as well as the terms of cancellation written on this website. The registration fee/accompanying person’s registration fee includes entertainment allowances, such as catering services, reception, cultural event, dinner etc. In the final invoice the amount of these services will be indicated as intermediary service. Hotel accommodation orders (if any) are also subject of intermediary service. See also the general terms and conditions here.